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Can You Get Pulled Over For Tint In Massachusetts?

Jul 22

It's not simple to get fined in Massachusetts for breaking window tint law. Your license could be suspended for 90 days and you could be paying up to $250. You could save hundreds of dollars over the long run. Below are the Massachusetts laws on window tints, which include the maximum amount of tint that is allowed. The penalties and medical exemptions are included.

Window tinting requirements in Massachusetts

Although the requirements for window tinting aren't very rigorous in Massachusetts however, it's recommended that you read them. The top 6 inches of your windshield should not be more than 35% reflectivity. This is also true for the sides and back windows. Tinting the front and back windows should not exceed 35 percent Visible Light Transmission. You may be granted an exemption if your skin is more sensitive to sunlight.

Some people use window tints to shield themselves from the damaging sun's UV rays and others choose to add window tints to their cars. No matter what you like it is important to follow the Massachusetts window tint laws to ensure that you drive in a safe manner. You must use a film that has at least 35% reflection, and it is at least 6 inches from your windshield.

Maximum tint percentage permitted

You need to be aware of the VLT of your windows before you are able to tint them. VLT is a term used to describe Visible Light Transmission. The higher the VLT, the more light is allowed to pass through. In Massachusetts, you can use up to 75% VLT on front-facing windows and up 35% on the rear windows. The remaining 5% could be reflective tint.

There are some exceptions to this policy However, the maximum tint permitted in Massachusetts is still 32 percent. If your car is not multi-purpose you are able to tint the back and side windows for no more than 35%. However, if you plan to use the vehicle for other reasons, you can't get any tint darker than that. These are just some rules to be followed when it comes to the tint color.

Penalties for violation of the law

If you've got window tint on your car it is important to know that breaking the window tint laws of Massachusetts can cost you up to $250. The fines can quickly pile up, particularly if there are multiple violations. The consequences of a violation could be the suspension of your driver's license for up to 90 days. These are just some of the potential penalties for violating Massachusetts law regarding tints. Here's a rundown of the laws applicable to your state.

To beat a ticket, it is recommended that you have the tint professionally installed. The person who installed it may even have completed an affidavit stating that the tint was installed in accordance with the law. For proof of compliance it is important to make sure to get your tint installed as soon as possible. The deadline is typically less than 30 days, however, you could only have two weeks to submit your proof. If you have an appointment with a lawyer be sure you arrive at least at least a couple of minutes before the court hearing starts.

Medical exemptions

Massachusetts has laws that regulate the use of window tint. Medical exemptions are given to people with certain conditions such as photophobia or sensitive to sunlight. A form has to be completed by people suffering from medical conditions. It should be signed by a licensed doctor. This document is only valid for those who aren't able to wear regular window tint due to the possibility of permanent damage to the eyes. The Michigan tint laws permit medical exemptions to people suffering from certain conditions. Medical exemptions are granted only to those who are unable to wear normal window tints or to those who are permanently photophobic.


The five-year duration of the medical exemption permit is guaranteed. Medical conditions can range from chronic sun sensitivity to severe drug photosensitivity. A certificate may be requested by those with medical conditions that cause irritation to the eyes or skin sensitive. The medical exemption certificate is required to be displayed in the vehicle at all times. The certificate is only valid for one person, and one person can't possess two certificates of this kind within the same state.

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